Flying Fox

so, finally it's time that had been waited by everyone. the challenge of Flying Fox.

there is 2 ways to go to the Flying Fox site.

[first way]

[second ways]

as for myself, i wouldnt recommend people to go using 2nd way beacuse the road is bit sloop than the 1st way. and personally, i think it is more safe if you are using 1st ways.

so, the outdoor crew giving some information about the activity before we started.
[this is the equipments that been used for the activity]

everyone so eager to try the activity eventough it is a bit scary to fly down through the 100m cable.hohoho.Pn. Hapizah surprisingly also joined the activity.

[Pn. Hapizah @ Flying Fox activity]

my experience:

so when it comes to my turn flying down the cable, the crews somehow knew i was afraid to fly down.hehehe.

so, he said to me, he wanted me to sing Faizal Tahir song's - "Sampai Syurga".oh my god,not because i dont know the song, but i never sing that song before.hahaha.

but seriously, i really felt nervous before the fly.but when i started slide down, things become choice, so i started singing Faizal Tahir song's - "Sampai Syurga" at the middle of the slide.i'm so nervous until i dont know how to start sing the first verse of the song, so i decide to just sing the chorus part.

what an voice not that good and there is other people there watching me slide down but still, i sing with all my heart eventough my voice at that time like a frog already.hahahaha.

[me before slide down through the cable]

luckily, there is no one recorded my singing,hahaha.but for these two girls, they had been punished because become the last person slide down the cable.hehehe.

[click on the picture to view the video how they had been punished during Flying Fox activity]

but seriously, this is the most memorable activity from all of outdoor activity.

****P/S Note:
1. please download the video first before u can watch the videoclip
2.sorry if the video did not recorded in a good quality or sound not clear.
thank you for downloading the videoclip. ****

click here to see more picture during Flying Fox activity


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