FMSK Oracle Talk

Yesterday, i join Oracle talk that been organized by my faculty FMSK.and of course, Sir S joined it too.

so, the talk was talking about Oracle and in the same time also about PHP.well, for me i'm just the beginner of this Oracle thing, still i'm glad have a chance joining this talk even tough it involving so many coding to be write. hahaha.well, i can say almost all of the coding i dont understand, but the output from the coding definitely is A BEAUTY.

after all, this whole thing am gonna learn in the class when i enter upper, this is my first step to walk that path. of course, what makes the talk more interesting is the talker, Mr Murad always keep the audience follow what he doing in the front.and sometimes, if the coding not working, i simply got it from Mr Murad instead of getting headache try to fix it.

oh ya, i also got food after the talk done. So, this is definitely a fun and tired talk.hahaha.
some picture from the talk.
[Some of the audience for the talk]
[The Speaker - Mr Murad (My Super Senior Programme)]
[Wow...Sir, you surely enjoying the talk.hahahaha]


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