So, sorry syahmie...but now i will fullfil your wish...may you rezt in peace.
so this is the task...(originally in Malay, but at here I translate it into English)
1.Please state who tagged you?
A: Well, i gotta say it was Syahmie. One of my housemate from a total of 12 in my house.
2.Put as many as you want your childhood picture and state together your age at that picture?
A: Likewise, i dont have childhood picture. I mean i have them, but none of them i scanned it into my laptop. Hurm...maybe i need to care more this stuff.
Anyway, here some picture that i took for the last 2-3 years....
At Accounting Information System Senior Dinner
Well, not to brag, but i almost like a STAR at the dinner. everyone so spontaneous about my clothe. Well, that need to thanks to my Stylist at that nite / my roomate - Yun for lending me these great jacket.
One of my favourite photo for the nite
Basically , my age at these 2 photo is 21 years old.
Break-fast Ramadhan at Grand Blue Wave
This is my 1st time eat at hotel. So fancy. and all the food is been paid by your company. This is my 1st time have so much choice to eat during break-fast. Alhamdulillah.
Together with my supervisor and also my senior
My age at these 2 photo is 20 years old.
3.List down 5 incident that happen during you was a kid (accident, humiliation, etc.)
A: Well, to be truth, am not so proud with my childhood. Too much bully happen on me up until on one stage i hate boy in my life. Maybe that's why i prefer to be friend with gurl up until now. For me, i dont have problem to talk to gurl as long as she is not the one that i have crush on...
1st incident
-- It happen at school. I just can recall that i had this one fight with kids from my class. I dont what the reason of the fight, but they end up hitting my head with a coconut. I thought my head going to smash at that time. But luckily, i still lives on now...
4. What you childhood name that people used to call you?
A: Well, up until now, only two name that so popular that attached with me, that is Jijol and the other one that my family called-me-name.
For me, i used to introduce my name with my 1st name (well, i do that since i have first name and middle name). But for some reason, i introduce myself differently when i met with sir S. when i talk about this with Sir S, he said he didn't give me other name. I thought he lair to me, but when i re-call back my memory, turn out it is true...hahaha.
5. Tagged other 10 your blogger friend....Make sure they do the tagged.
A: I hate to burden my friend with these kind of stuff. So, i just let it go then....
P/S: tO syahmie, I hOpe U satisfy with my tagged work. hOhOhO....