New Year Blog

first of all, Happy New Year 2010 to all who read my blog right now. I know it's already too late to wish something like this, so I might just as well wish it to myself.

Why? well, let's just say I've been thru so many stuff lately even though i just started my new semester this few week.

well, I've been thinking for the past few weeks about what I should do to my blog since it's been a long time to be updated by me. My BoSS thinks it's not a good idea for me to stuck in this blogging world. I've kept thinking about his word.

But here I am. Come back with a new post. well, I guess even though maybe there nobody going to read about what I write here, I can't just give it up like that.right?. Well, I secretly hope my colleague read my blog. well, who am I to force people to read my blog anyway?

to those who reach my blog --> I hope u enjoy your stay here. If you have any suggestion, feel free to put it in my comment box. Danke.


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