A Meaning of My Smiile.. ;p

taken from azizulaszemi.blogspot.com

i really very easy to get my emotion influence with people arouund me..

and i guess, the only laugh that i always trully mean is my laugh with people that i love and care most..entahla, dia cuma tanya aku dah makan ke belum, soalan camtu pun boleh buat aku tergelak..;)

well, maybe that what people say, The Power of Love..kawan rapat aku ni kalau bab suruh caring kat aku, memang payah nak nampak dia buat.but sekali dia dah buat, mau tergelak gak kadang2..hehe...

my master coming back to hometown now...nak hantar report dia since practical dia dah habis.so, i don't know la...aku ada priority aku dgn paper final..and at the same time, aku kena roger kat dia gak..
tak elok lak kalau aku tak dtg time dia roger aku..

well, i should have a well management about my time shcedule, i guess...hurm..hehehe..;p


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