Sir Shadi as My Academic Reminder

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i just got call from Sir Shadi...hurm...i wonder why?

he asked me what i do by now? i said i'm reading blog.hohoho.

owh...he wants to ask about next week plan.

hurm....if i'm not forget, next week i only need to submit my ITS411 assignment and also Economic test.hahaha.

then suddenly he said, didnt we have test Math next week?OMG....i totally forget about that.

thanx Sir Shadi for remind me about the test.
actually it's not test, but quiz.but since i already failed 1 test and 2 quizes math, i really need to work hard for this one.hohohooho...

well, usually when Sir Shadi asked me something about academic stuff, he wants me to join too.but not this time. looks like i need to study alone this time.aiiii.....really no mood for that.

well, right now he working on his flash project that need to submit next Monday. he got stuck with the project. i understand he dont want to study the Math because he really good at that subject. well, after all he is really a briliant person i've ever known in my life.and he is really good with digit.

maybe u can apply job as my assistant (PA) after this.hehehe.

p/s: u know, having a girlfriend in your life doesnt mean u will know everything about your
academic reminder. and it's had been proved that my closed academic friend that remind
me about sad.......


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