A/N: so the idea to create this section happen during am listening to album that I've been download for months but never had any chances to really listen. LOL. So, I will cover my review about an album NOT singles tracks.

My review point:
The tracks will be categorized into:

RECOMMENDED TRACK - this is the track where usually been promoted in the radio station, music video , etc which usually been called as SINGLES. Some of the track also comes from the artist recommendation too.

FRESH TO HEAR - Other tracks that I find interesting to be discovered from the album.

Gives it a try and DON'T FORGET to put your feedback at ShoutMix Chatbox.

You also can suggest other artist for me to cover. Just give me the names and album of the artist. Thank you.
 *click on the picture to read the post*

Omar Afuni

Previous Review
  Mike Posner
 Cassidy Haley


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